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尚宏化工有限公司為專門環保塗料製造公司。本公司是專業從事環保水基塗料和各類塗料,各類木製家具和產品塗料。如:NC漆,聚氨酯塗料,丙烯酸塗料。我們成立於1972年,在台灣嘉義當地經營超過30年頭,並且擴展其業務觸角在中國,香港,越南,泰國和其他國家。我們擁有第二生產基地於中國,深圳廠與香港業務分公司。 現在,我們正在尋找新的市場和新的潛在客戶於台灣/美國/歐洲。如果你有興趣,請不要猶豫與我們聯繫!我們保證尚宏化工為您提供了最好的環保塗料。 San Hon Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is an exclusively paint-manufacturing company. The company is professional in making water base environmental paint and various kinds of paint for all kind of wood furniture and products. like:NC lacquer, Polyurethane coatings, acrylic coating. We was established in 1972 and local in Chia-Yi, Taiwan over the last 30 years, San Hon Chemical has extended its business over China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand, and other countries. We also has an affiliate plant in Shen-Zhen, China, and one branch in Hong Kong . Now we are looking for new markets and new potential customer over the U.S. Europe and Taiwan. If you are interested join our company. please do not hesitate to contact with us! We guarantee that SAN HON gives you the best environment paint of the world.
ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. Since established in 1988, over the last 20 years, ABB Taiwan has been a reliable and competent partner to the public and private sectors. Within each market and industry, we offer our customers a dedicated and competent localized team of sales, engineering and professional service engineers to support the extensive ranges of systems and products – the largest of this kind in the industry.
Taiwan First Li-Bond Co., Ltd. (TLB) established since May 1986, the joint venture company with technical cooperation, from First King Bond Ltd. (FKB) in Taiwan and the one of leader in Adhesive & Sealant Industry in Japan, Hitachi Kasei Polymer Co., Ltd. (HKP). To welcome the high technical products coming, we will keep innovating our technology by constant training progress so that we will perceive the whole world with our grand view from the firm stand in Taiwan. Our company, was eztablished in 1986, mainly in production and sales of Bonding Adhesives. Our serviceable products starting from the Hot Melt Adhesive in 1986 have Synthetic Rubber and Resin Based Adhesives in May 1992 and Epoxy Adhesives in January 1993. In the starting of production of Adhesives products, as the unsufficient information supplied from Industrial Automatic Application in our Taiwanese Hot Melt Adhesives Market, we are the pioneer to introduce the Adhesives products application data to our customer and become the leading navigator of Hot Melt Adhesives sales in Taiwan. Following the years, we imported the Special Solvent and Epoxy Based Adhesives, developed multi-products applied in Automotive assembly and Electronic/Electrical High-Tech concerned products,etc.   台灣日邦樹脂股份有限公司 (TLB) 創立自1986年5月,是台灣慶邦公司和日本接著劑和填縫工業領導公司之一,日立化成 Polymer 株式會社 (HKP)合資技術合作之公司。以宏觀的視野立足台灣,放眼全球,由日新又新的訓練,不斷創新技術迎接高科技產品時代的來臨。   本公司成立於民國75年,在台灣專門製造、銷售接著劑,我們服務的產品已由1986年生產之熱熔膠,擴展至1992年5月生產的HKP註冊的強力膠,1993年10月生產之HKP註冊的環氧樹脂,在開始製造熱熔膠產品,由於當時台灣市場對於熱熔膠產品的工業自動化應用資訊尚未發達,我們是以拓荒者的精神,將產品的應用訊息傳達給我們的客戶,成為熱熔膠市場的領導者。其後幾年並相繼引進溶劑系接著劑及環氧樹脂接著劑產品技術,開發多元化產品,應用在汽車製造業及電子電氣高科技相關產業等。
台灣奧美傳播集團是已成立二十多年,目前旗下擁有數家公司,奧美促動行銷正是其中一家公司. 奧美促動行銷擅長以「The Last Mile」最後一哩,長年經營通路行銷領域,贏得許多國際廣告客戶的信任與喜愛。因為了解消費者在通路選購的心理;也因為深深了解市場需求,把原先大家認為通路行銷的「苦差事」變得有趣又專業。 奧美促動為客戶提供的服務方案有:體驗行銷、選購者行銷、通路行銷、促銷式行銷以及精湛的設計,每每創造出令客戶以及主要消費族群驚艷的作品,也在每次的驚呼聲中為客戶創造佳績。
數位家庭公司成立於1999年,今年已經邁入第十個年度,這是一間非常專業公司,專門開發網路上的應用服務系統的。 自1999年陸續不斷被報導,從它以前的一個很有名的線上應用服務系統PMO, 全名是Personal Mobile Office,中文就是個人行動辦公室,它早就是一家專業又有名的系統開發商。數位家庭公司甚至擁有 BS7799國際認證。這証明它的技術能力是世界級的水準。 2000年5月23日Taipei Times的全版報導,標題是『Taking e-tailing down the last miles』,中文的意思就是『把網路零售做到最後一哩路』,什麼是『最後一哩路』?就是網路購物流程中,要將商品往客戶家中送的物流宅配系統,數位家庭公司在1999年的時候就做到了,我們當時就有自己的專業配送物流倉儲中心,甚至有自己的物流車隊。不要說十年前,就是一直到今天,能做到這一點的購物網站還是十分罕見。所以數位家庭的營運團隊算是台灣網路購物產業先驅中的先驅。報導的副標題是什麼?我直接翻譯成中文好了,這一段意思是,『雖然網路零售在近期內仍然無法取代傳統的零售通路,但是它已經變成我們一個非常重要的購物選擇,並且對於參與的業者來說,它已經是一個可以獲利的商業模式了。』 所以說,這一篇報導有兩個重點: 數位家庭公司是一家在網路電子商務業界很有經驗且專業耕耘多年的系統開發者。 網路零售確實可以獲利。 這就是數位家庭公司,也就是 MarketPlace 的系統開發者。」
BETA has been successfully possessed ISO 9002 certification in July, 1996 and QS 9000 certification in November 1997. BETA also has TUV for our products. The goal of BETA is to provide our customers with the best quality and service at reasonable cost. BETA has grown rapidly in the last 30 years. We consider ourselves as an expert of electronic component manufacturer. BETA believes that top quality and management with excellent service can be everlasting.
Opiumex Group, with a dream of redesigning our lifestyle, was set up to generate innovative applications on consumer electronic products by Opiumex Industries. Which was established in 1995 to provide satisfactory and integrated electronic products to worlds IT & consumer electronics industry. The combination of servicing the two industries has resulted in the establishment of a vibrant Opiumex, which has had a successful track record of sustained growth over the last decade. In 2004, Opiumex set up an affiliated company, Opiumex International, which endeavors to meet more customer requirements by expanding its existing product lines to other field such as beverage/wine import business. Incorporating the strengths of product design/marketing capability, Opiumex Intl has emerged as one of the foremost leading distributor for brands in Taiwan today. To meet the complex demands of products in the field, Opiumex also reaches out to every segments of the products such as, food and their kitchen ware for satisfying all aspects of needs from our partners. With the worldwide wine industry currently undergoing phenomenal changes, Opiumex International, with its excellent distribution facilities, timely delivery and comprehensive service, is fully equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
we follow all the requirements from our Government. Our annual sales amount is around USD15 million in the last 5 years.
本公司至力於生產機器使用之高精密鎢鋼刀具,行銷世界各地。 In 1991.when the world recession hit and International sells declined, we focused more on the domestic market today we service both the domestic and International markets The main concept behind Speed Tools has been providing quality & competitive cost, delivery & Service are achieves the high quality standard productive, accuracy and performance results. High worker productivity has allowed us to have strong growth over the last few year established Speed tools as a highly reputed manufacturer in End Mills line. And our economies of scale allow us competitive advantages. Time to time our popularity & demand in this high Tech world. As brings our unique line of End Mills and high performance results which is allowed us to have our clients trust & market share. Speed Tools mission is to function as a team dedicated to our worldwide clients by supplying the tools and machineries they need in a professional manner and with courtesy. This competition year we concentrate our End mills better performance and take advantage to provide different applications powerful technology, precise and advance facilities skilled workers makes good quality come true we focus on perfect and prompt delivery systematic facilities assurance is the heart of quality. We have strict procedures to assure quality and we keep listening to Clients voices and feed-back also devote ourselves to future improvement. Also we proudly manufacturing Clients specification & drawings.
我們是全台灣稀有而獨特的國際運送業者, 因為我們的日常服務範疇涵蓋 “船務代理 / 租傭船 / 海空貨運承攬 / 重大件陸運 / 國內離島運輸 “ 等 . 絕大多數同業僅能實際涉獵其中部份項目 . 我們的業務操作主要是與國際知名的專業代理及船東合作 , 因為許多特殊貨物運送非台灣業者所能獨力完成 . 我們同時已經成為數家大陸及韓國船東在台總代理 . 尤其甚者 , 本公司代理六條兩岸直航船 , 佔有市場約十分之一席次. 最令人振奮的是 , 自2009年以來 , 本公司蒙船東青睞 , 受委託代為操作一條載重量9300噸的散裝雜貨船 , 縱然目前市場依舊低迷 , 然而在本公司竭盡心力踏實經營下 , 交出令人讚賞的成績 . 相信在不久將來 , 必然會吸引更多船東之支持而能擴充服務船隊. We are unique transporter in Taiwan. Our business scope covers almost all services in various transport including Ship agency, Ship broker / Chartering, Freight forwarder and Ship operator. We focus on project cargoes and conventional bulk services through cooperation with worldwide well-known agencies and shipowners. Meanwhile we are general agent for some PRC and Korean shipping lines. Incomparably we are handling six vessels granted for direct sailing between Taiwan and China. The last but not least point we’d like to introduce is one break bulk vessel of DWCC 9300mts is under our operating since year 2009. Expectably we may have good opportunity to win other shipowners trust for other bulk vessels to enlarge our ship fleet in the near future due to our excellent performance.
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